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Ceramic Technology, CEREC® and Galileos

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Ceramic Technology
CEREC® and Galileos

CEREC uses cutting-edge computerised CAD/CAM technology to enable our Apple Dental team to make and fit incredibly detailed tooth-coloured restorations and dental fillings – in just a single appointment!

Ceramic Technology

Are you finding it difficult to fit the dental treatment you need into your busy schedule? Would you like to access custom-made tooth restorations in only one visit to your dentist? Designed especially for dental practices, CEREC uses cutting-edge computerised CAD/CAM technology to enable our Apple Dental team to make and fit incredibly detailed tooth-coloured restorations and dental fillings – in just a single appointment!

Traditionally, some complex procedures would have required several visits. But with the introduction of this new technology, we can offer you a more time efficient option without compromising on quality or aesthetics.

During the procedure, your tooth is prepared and then scanned by the CEREC camera, which takes a 3D image of the area. Infrared waves are sent down to the preparation site and back to the camera, measuring the heights of your tooth structure, adjacent teeth, and surrounding tissue.

The Apple Dental team then use this information to make a virtual model of whichever of your teeth need treatment, allowing us to exactly design your new dental crown, veneer, inlay or onlay. This digital design is sent to our milling unit that will automatically and precisely create your new restoration from a solid block of ceramic, in just 20 minutes!

With Ceramic technology, there’s no longer any need for old-fashioned impressions, temporaries or reduction of your healthy tooth enamel. We can create perfect, durable restorations just for your situation – all in one appointment.

Ceramic technology can be used to create ceramic crowns, veneers and fillings that look, feel and function just like natural teeth. It provides quality and longevity that can’t be matched by any other procedure or material.

Same Day CEREC Crowns

CEREC® and Galileos

Apple Dental has invested in a cutting-edge new treatment technology that combines CEREC processes with 3D x-ray data from GALILEOS.

Thanks to the GALILEOS software, implant planning is now a streamlined process, from understanding your mouth’s current situation right through to planning for the implant placement. Merging information from the 3D cone-beam x-ray imaging of your teeth and jaw and the CEREC digital model of all your teeth, we can plan your new implant and tooth replacement to precisely fit your individual circumstances.

With the CEREC system we can then custom-make crowns for your implants that will fit into ideal positions for the desired final result, giving you better, more aesthetic and longer lasting implant tooth replacements.

This revolutionary technology helps us to streamline your implant treatment, in most cases reducing the number of appointments needed to just two: the first to place your implant, and the second for your new CEREC-produced tooth replacement.

One of the greatest advantages of combining CEREC and GALILEOS is that it allows us to have implant guides custom-made in Germany by siCAT, specifically for each patient. With these guides we can place your implants with great precision, removing the possibility of errors and eliminating the need for scalpels or stitches. Instead, we can utilise a key-hole approach, with its consequent easy and rapid healing.

Implant planning at Apple Dental starts with a 3D xray where implants are ‘virtually placed’ in order to determine the perfect position…
CEREC is used to ‘virtually reconstruct’ the missing teeth. These teeth are then merged with the 3D xray so that when implant positioning is determined it is done with not only anatomy in mind but also final teeth positions…
And finally, after implant placements using guides produced by siCAT in Germnany, final x-rays confirm ideal implant placements.

Thanks to CEREC and GALILEOS, Apple Dental can provide you with implants that are easier to achieve and much more efficient, to give you a highly aesthetic and successful end result.

Frequently asked questions

The CEREC computer controlled, milling restoration system has been designed especially for dental practices. CEREC technology is an advanced computerised system that enables our dental team to create and place highly detailed tooth-coloured fillings and restorations – in just a single appointment.

Traditionally, some complex procedures would have required several visits. But with the introduction of this new technology, we can offer you a more time efficient option without compromising on quality or aesthetics.

During the procedure, your tooth is prepared and then scanned by the CEREC camera, which takes a 3D image of the area. Infrared waves are sent down to the preparation site and back to the camera, measuring the heights of your tooth structure, adjacent teeth, and surrounding tissue. Your final restoration is then designed and fabricated from this scan and is automatically milled from a solid block of ceramic.

The result is a perfect, quality long-lasting restoration – all in one appointment. There’s no longer any need for impression taking, temporaries or unnecessary reduction of healthy tooth structure.

CEREC can be used to create ceramic crowns, veneers and fillings that look, feel and function just like natural teeth. It provides quality and longevity that can’t be matched by any other procedure or material.

CAD/CAM stands for Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing. Put simply, CAD/CAM technology allows the Apple Dental team to create modern tooth restorations for you, more precisely, more easily, and more quickly than ever!

With this cutting-edge system, we can mill ceramic crowns, dental veneers, onlays, inlays and bridges directly out of solid blocks of porcelain, to the precise specifications needed for your individual needs. It is incredible technology which is revolutionising the service we at Apple Dental Lane Cove can provide our patients.

Excellent durability is one of the big advantages of our modern CAD/CAM dental restorations thanks to CEREC. The tooth-coloured, translucent material we use is less likely to fracture, better fitting, and more durable than restorations made using previous technology.

With the help of our CEREC CAD/CAM technology, we can now provide you with modern, custom-made tooth restorations in just a single visit. While you wait, we will create your new
crowns, veneers, onlays or inlays to precisely meet your needs.

Single-visit restorations bring you many benefits; such as needing to have local anaesthetic just once to prepare your tooth. Having your final restoration placed on the same day means you won’t have any need for temporaries, which can cause tooth sensitivity as well as stress about the possibility of losing your temporary restoration. And because we create your CAD/CAM restorations using only digital scans, bad tasting impression paste and uncomfortable trays are a thing of the past!

Not every person’s teeth can be restored using our CEREC CAD/CAM system. Depending on the type of restoration you need, such as dental veneers, we may recommend using more conventional laboratory fabrication techniques. A personal consultation with the Apple Dental team in Lane Cove will help us determine if a CAD/CAM restoration is the right treatment option for you.