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HomeYour Diet and Its Effect on Your Oral Health

Your Diet and Its Effect on Your Oral Health

Your Diet and Its Effect on Your Oral Health

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Five Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Mouth
Choose Smarter Snacking for Healthier Teeth
Selecting the Right Kind of Snacks for Better Dental Health

Your body needs certain nutrients to fight infection and to repair the damage. If your diet is deficient in these nutrients, then you might find it harder to fight infections like periodontal disease (gum disease) and which is a major cause of tooth loss. Choosing foods that are high in sugars or starches can also harm your dental health. Bacteria naturally present in the mouth use starchy and sugary foods for energy, producing acid that gradually erodes tooth enamel, increasing the risk of cavities. If you like to eat lots of acidic foods, then the effect is worsened.

Eating a balanced diet helps your body fight signs of disease and infection, and it is helpful to avoid eating cavity-causing foods too frequently. If you want to eat something sugary, starchy or acidic, enjoy it as part of a main meal because this will help to reduce the damage to your teeth. If you like to snack, choose tooth-friendly foods like cheese, natural yoghurt or fresh fruit and vegetables.

Five Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Mouth

Great nutrition is essential for a healthy mouth and here are five tips to help you make healthy food choices.

  1. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins C, protecting your gums. Good foods to choose include tomatoes, oranges, strawberries.
  2. Get plenty of dairy for vitamin D and calcium which helps promote healthy teeth and bones. Good sources include sugar-free, low-fat yoghurts, milk and cheeses.
  3. Snack on raw, crunchy fruits and veggies as these foods have a slight scrubbing action on teeth while the high-water content helps promote saliva production.
  4. Choose leafy dark green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli because they contain folic acid, supporting cell growth and cell repair.
  5. Don’t forget to rehydrate with water or unsweetened green or black tea.

Choose Smarter Snacking for Healthier Teeth

Whenever you eat foods that are carbohydrate-rich or sugary, they then are broken down by bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria produce acid, which weakens and gradually erodes your tooth enamel, increasing the risk of tooth decay. It takes approximately half an hour for acidity levels in the mouth to normalise and when you frequently snack then the damage to your teeth is increased.

Selecting the Right Kind of Snacks for Better Dental Health

Everybody knows sugary foods are bad for teeth, but did you know the risk is nearly as high for savoury snacks, dried fruits, smoothies and juice? Many popular snack foods contain huge amounts of hidden sugars. Better choices include oatcakes with sugar-free peanut butter or hummus. Cheese, sugar-free yoghurt and plain nuts are great because they are rich in phosphorus and calcium, which helps to repair tooth enamel. Crunchy fruits and vegetables are excellent for dental health because the high fibre content has a slight scrubbing action on teeth.

If you’d like more advice on choosing tooth-friendly foods, then please ask!