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HomeSeven Surprising Oral Health Myths Busted

Seven Surprising Oral Health Myths Busted

Seven Surprising Oral Health Myths Busted

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1. Have A baby, Lose A Tooth
2. Sweets Are The Only Cause of Tooth Decay
3. White Teeth Are Healthy
4. Hard Brushes Are Better For Brushing Your Teeth
5. Fluoridated Water is a Government Conspiracy and is Not Good For You
6. Sugar-Free Drinks Are Better For Your Teeth
7. Teeth Whitening Damages Your Teeth

Isn’t it odd that even though we know that walking under a ladder or stepping on a crack won’t cause us harm, we go out of our way to avoid doing these things? Myths are powerful influences on our behaviour – even when we know better! As dentists we’ve found that people often neglect certain aspects of their oral health due to certain ‘facts’ which are untrue. Here are the most common oral health myths we’ve encountered, debunked!

1. Have A baby, Lose A Tooth

Pregnancy’s hormonal changes make tooth decay, infections and gum disease more prevalent. However, this doesn’t mean that you’ll lose a tooth. Maintaining good oral health, a healthy diet and attending regular dental appointments will reduce dental issues during your pregnancy

2. Sweets Are The Only Cause of Tooth Decay

Excess processed sugar increases tooth decay as when its broken down, it feeds the bacteria in your mouth, increasing damaging plaque and acids. The misconception here lies in what contains sugar. Starchy, high carbohydrate foods can be just as damaging to teeth as candy.

3. White Teeth Are Healthy

White teeth look amazing when you’re smiling right? It definitely looks good, but this doesn’t mean it’s healthy. There might still be cavities and other oral risks you’re exposed to, so regular visits to your dentist are important regardless of the colour of your teeth.

4. Hard Brushes Are Better For Brushing Your Teeth

Hard bristles can do more harm than good. Soft brushes are great for children and people with sensitive gums, and hard brushing can cause bleeding and discomforts when done incorrectly.

5. Fluoridated Water is a Government Conspiracy and is Not Good For You

Fluoride in drinking has significantly reduced tooth decay. The Australian National Health and Medical Research Council has researched this myth extensively and found it to be false.

6. Sugar-Free Drinks Are Better For Your Teeth

Diet drinks still encourage the production of acids that over time can wear down tooth enamel increase their sensitivity and cause cavities and tooth loss. What’s healthier? Drinking water.

7. Teeth Whitening Damages Your Teeth

With so many advancements in whitening techniques and general oral care, a whitening procedure from a professional dentist is highly unlikely to damage your teeth.

Instead of following what your mates say or what you’ve heard, rather do your research. Or better yet, get in touch with Apple Dental for an oral consultation. We’re happy to debunk any myths you’ve come across.