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How To Keep Your Smile For Life

How To Keep Your Smile For Life

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1. Take a look at your toothbrushing
2. Focus on flossing
3. Eat a healthy, tooth-friendly diet
4. See your dentist regularly

At Apple Dental, we want to help you keep your mouth, teeth and gums as healthy as can be, so you can carry on smiling brightly! With this in mind, here are some super-simple tips for optimising your oral health.

1. Take a look at your toothbrushing

While we all know we need to be brushing our teeth twice a day, how often do we consider whether we’re actually brushing effectively? Check out our quick tips for brushing up on your toothbrushing skills:

  • Brush for two minutes, twice a day (set a timer to keep track).
  • If possible, opt for an electric toothbrush, which provides a thorough clean with less effort.
  • If using a manual toothbrush, brush in circular motions over the surface of each tooth.
  • In addition to brushing your teeth, be sure to brush around the gum line as well.
  • Don’t forget your tongue! Clean it with a tongue cleaner or use your toothbrush bristles.
  • After brushing, rinse with mouthwash for a quick burst of freshness.

2. Focus on flossing

It’s the oral health tip every dentist wants you to know – never forget to floss! Flossing keeps teeth and gums clean and healthy by removing debris which can cause bacteria. Here are our top flossing tips:

  • Floss your teeth once every day.
  • The best time to floss is before you brush your teeth.
  • To floss correctly, place the floss around the base of each tooth and pull gently back and forth, ensuring you also go beneath the gum line.
  • Never force the dental floss or use aggressive motions, as this can damage the gum tissue.

3. Eat a healthy, tooth-friendly diet

A healthy, balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good oral health. Calcium-rich foods will help to keep teeth and bones strong, while eating plenty of vegetables and reducing your intake of sugary and acidic foods will contribute to healthy teeth and gums.

  • Calcium can be found in dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt, or non-dairy foods including green leafy vegetables like broccoli.
  • A balanced diet includes lots of fresh vegetables and fruit, in addition to complex carbohydrates such as grain breads, and plenty of protein-rich foods.
  • Be sugar-aware – aim to keep your intake of sugary food and drinks to a minimum in order to avoid tooth decay and cavities.
  • Go easy on teeth-staining beverages such as coffee, tea and red wine.
  • Swap out sugar-rich snacks for healthy alternatives, such as vegetable sticks with hummus, nuts, or plain yoghurt.

4. See your dentist regularly

Visiting your dentist for a regular check-up and clean is a key component of a good oral health routine. Your check-up and clean at Apple Dental will include:

  • An oral inspection to check your mouth for cavities, gum disease, and any other oral health issues.
  • A thorough, professional clean involving an in-depth brush and floss of your teeth.
  • The chance to chat to your dentist about any questions or concerns you may have.
  • A follow-up appointment booking, which will usually be in six months’ time, unless there are issues that need to be addressed sooner.

If you’re due for your check-up and clean, you can book in advance for a post-lockdown appointment – simply contact our friendly team for more information.