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HomeHow Seasonal Allergies Can Affect Your Oral Health

How Seasonal Allergies Can Affect Your Oral Health

How Seasonal Allergies Can Affect Your Oral Health

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Bad Breath and Sore Throat
Dry Mouth
So how can you prevent the above from occurring?

Did you know that seasonal changes can impact your oral health? Many allergy sufferers experience tooth, throat and mouth discomfort while experiencing sinus issues and hay fever. Here’s how seasonal allergies can impact oral health and what you can do about it.

Bad Breath and Sore Throat

Bad breath can be related to untreated nasal congestion, which can lead to a sore throat developing and its resultant bacteria creating a foul mouth odour. Postnasal drip causes this and because you can’t clean your throat, it’s difficult to get rid of.

Dry Mouth

A stuffy nose means encourages mouth breathing, which dries out your mouth. It’s also caused by a reaction to certain antihistamines that relieve nasal congestion and sneezing. Saliva protects teeth from decay by washing away bacteria and food particles which is why a dry mouth is more prone to cavities and tooth decay.


Painful teeth may be an allergy symptom. Sinus pain is caused by pollen and dust impacting one’s immune system. This causes mucus to build up in your sinuses where they become congested, pressurising your teeth and nerves and causing sensitivity and toothaches.

So how can you prevent the above from occurring?

  • Stay hydrated: Drinking lots of water keeps your mouth hydrated. This counteracts a dry mouth as it washes away the buildup of mucus.
  • Gargle with salt water: Salt draws mucus out of the sinuses. Gargle with a solution consisting of a teaspoon of salt dissolved in a glass of water to reduce and flush away accumulated bacteria, relieving throat pains and reducing bad breath and plaque.
  • Treat your teeth: Regular brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day is important to maintain good oral health and also reduce the effects of dry mouth.
  • Treat your allergies: Avoiding anything that causes or triggers your allergies. Treat them with prescriptions after consulting with your doctor, ensuring it has no side effects.
  • Talk to a dentist: Probably the most effective and useful step is talking to a dentist. At Apple dental, our professional dentists can identify root causes of your oral problems. Whether its allergy-related or not, we’ll figure it out and provide the ideal treatment.

Get in touch with us for a consultation if you’re experiencing any dental issues today.