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HomeHealthy Eating for Healthy Teeth

Healthy Eating for Healthy Teeth

Healthy Eating for Healthy Teeth

Eating well and maintaining a healthy lifestyle go a long way to making sure you have healthy teeth and gums. Very often it’s easy to go for the ‘fast’ food option rather than prepare your own meal, but with a bit of planning it’s easy to make sure that you are eating well and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Some simple ways to make sure you eat well each week include:

  • planning your meals in advance,
  • making extra dinner to be used for lunch or dinner the following day,
  • slow cooking your meals during the day while you’re out of the house,
  • creating a specific shopping list for recipes you plan to make so that you have all ingredients on-hand when it’s time to cook,
  • completing as much food prep in advance to reduce your cooking time.