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Get a Stunning Smile before Christmas

Get a Stunning Smile before Christmas

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Stains on Your Teeth? Find Out the Causes
What can you do to reduce staining?
Benefits of Regular Examination, Scale & Clean
Whiten Safely: Gently Whiten at Home with Our Customised Whitening Kit

Celebrate this party season with a beautifully white and healthy smile.

Stains on Your Teeth? Find Out the Causes

Have you noticed your teeth are looking rather stained these days? This can be due to a variety of reasons that include:

  • Teeth discolour with age as the enamel layer becomes thinner, allowing more of your natural tooth colour to shine through
  • Smoking, as nicotine will stain teeth
  • Fluorosis as exposure to excess fluoride as a child can cause white lacy flecks or even brown spots on teeth
  • Eating too many highly coloured foods
  • Drinking too much tea or coffee
  • Drinking too many sugary or fizzy drinks that increase the rate of acid erosion
  • Eating fresh berries, as even though they are good for you, they can stain your teeth
  • Tartar or hardened plaque can look yellow and stained

What can you do to reduce staining?

The first thing is to visit Apple Dental as we will be able to tell you exactly why your teeth have become stained and we’ll recommend suitable ways to reduce staining. It could be as simple as having a hygiene appointment to scale and polish your teeth, or cutting down on certain foods or quitting smoking. Another simple and cost-effective way to get rid of stains is tooth whitening. Our customised home whitening kits are safe and effective and are a great way to quickly regain that youthful white smile.

Benefits of Regular Examination, Scale & Clean

We like to see our patients every six months for check ups and hygiene appointments but we know it can be tempting to skip preventative dental care if your teeth seem just fine. Here is why you shouldn’t.

Your dental health can change during this time and regular checks enable our dentists to detect these small differences so we can take quick action. Earlier treatment is faster and cheaper and will help to preserve your teeth. We can also check for signs of gum disease, a destructive condition that can lead to tooth loss and which may affect your general health. Oral cancer screenings are another important part of your regular dental examination. This disease is often diagnosed in the later stages, when treatment is much more difficult. Our dentists are specially trained to spot early symptoms of this disease, so your dental appointment could save your life.

No matter how thoroughly you brush and floss, it is easy to miss out certain areas allowing tartar to build up on your teeth. Apart from looking unsightly, tartar releases toxins that cause gum disease. During your scale and clean we will remove any tartar before polishing your teeth which can remove some surface stains and will help your smile sparkle.

Whiten Safely: Gently Whiten at Home with Our Customised Whitening Kit

Here at Apple Dental, we can gently brighten your smile using advanced home whitening treatments. Our customised home whitening kits make it super-easy to brighten your smile at home. Our home whitening kits include comfortable whitening trays made to fit exactly over your teeth and our high quality professional whitening gel to gently lift the colour of your teeth. Just wear the trays for a few hours each day or overnight while you sleep. You will see a real improvement within just a few days, although it generally takes two weeks to complete treatment.

Our dentist will make sure your whitening treatment is safe and effective. By checking your teeth and gums beforehand, we can ensure any side effects are minimised so your treatment is comfortable. Call us today to order your kit.