Avoiding Sugar at Halloween
Avoiding Sugar at Halloween
We know Halloween is a time for treats, but they don’t need to be sugar laden. If your kid is going out trick or treating this year then there are few things you can do to avoid them coming back laden with sweets.
Get Together with Other Parents in Your Neighbourhood
You’ll probably find other parents are just as worried about their children ending up with a seemingly endless supply of cheap sweets, so why not get together and resolve to offer kids something different? Instead, take a look for small, cheap toys, pens and pencils and stickers. Dollar stores can be a great source of inspiration. If you want to offer something edible, buy individually wrapped cheeses that are fun to eat and a great source of calcium.

Bribery Can Work Pretty Well!
They are almost certainly going to come back with some sweets so another trick to try is to offer to buy their haul so they can put the money towards something they really want. Alternatively, you could see if they’d like to donate their sweets to a local food bank or another charity. If you don’t mind them eating a few sweets, then it’s best to give them at the end of a meal so you can make sure they clean their teeth soon afterwards.